Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DIY T-Shirt Scarf

 It's Wednesday!

If you took my challenge to finish the Book of is it going? I'm not going to lie....I'm struggling!   But don't worry I am still pushing through! This week has been super busy. I officially moved home this week and I have been working, preparing a lesson for Sunday, moving in, unpacking...blah blah blah. So needless to say its been crazy! So I'm a little behind on my scripture reading but I will get back on top!

Well tonight I was feeling a little crafty. I KNOW! Weird right? Well I had been on Pinterest (no surprise there) and I saw a pin for a DIY t-shirt scarf.  I think they are super cool/cute and so I decided I would take a break from my lesson preparing and make myself a scarf! 

Literally I think it took me 10 minutes tops! I picked out a shirt that I haven't worn in a long time and started cutting! So I'll try to talk you through the process so you can try!

First lay your shirt flat on the ground and cut off the bottom hem! After that, start by cutting 1/2-1 inch strips straight across, ending right under the armpits.
 You will have more strips than this ^^ but I was already on to the next step when I decided to take pictures! 
Gather up all the strips together. I gathered them with all the hems together so when I wrapped them, the hem wouldn't be showing. Once you gather them all together pull at them a bit to stretch them out and to make them all about the same length. Leave one strip out prior to stretching so you can use that to wrap them.
 Once all your strips are gathered and stretched. Like so ^^ cut your left out strip in half.  I am struggling with getting my thoughts together for this next step to I borrowed the directions I used from this website.  In fact if my directions are lame or confusing....just use the same website I did, for directions! 
 Here is what mine looked like all gathered and wrapped together!
Finished product!! 
It's not really a "keep warm" kind of scarf, but it's super cute! And really easy to make! 

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

here's a challenge

It's 12:18 a.m. as I am starting this post! I should be going to bed, seeing that I have to be at work at 8:30. But as I was just browsing, oh ya know...pinterest I had a small epiphany (Well actually Molly and I had been talking earlier about this, but it really hit me about 2 minutes ago.)  

**Disclaimer...don't judge me for my next statement. For it might amaze some of you.**

I have never completely read the Book of Mormon start to finish.
There I said it. 
I mean, don't get me wrong, I read my scriptures.  But I have never read them cover to cover.  I will admit up until this summer, daily scripture study for me was a serious weakness and I have been trying really really hard to be better at it.  I am by no means perfect at it and I still struggle immensely, but I am trying! SO! I have decided I am going to finish reading the Book of Mormon by the end of the year! It should be super easy (seeing that I'm in 3rd Nephi!)  

My challenge to you!
(The few of you that follow me!!)  

Wherever you are in your scripture study (whether it be 1st Nephi or Moroni) let's finish the Book of Mormon by December 31st!!!!! 

 I know we can do it!

I can say without a shadow of a doubt, that I already have a testimony of the truthfulness of the Book of Mormon! But think of how much mine, and yours will grow by finishing it! 

I can't wait!  

Let the challenge begin! ;)
We have 32 days! 


PS. Keep me posted on how it goes for you! If you have any pointers let me know! (Trust me I need the help!) And I'd love to hear personal stories of how your testimonies have grown or did grow by finishing the Book of Mormon cover to cover!

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Amputation or dying of Tetanus?


Okay...not quite but it could have happened!  So I got attacked by a falling picture frame, that ended up breaking, and slicing my poor little finger open! Luckily Molly was there to nurse my little finger and bandage it up! From the picture below it doesn't look that bad, and it makes me seem like a baby...but I promise there was a LOT of blood at the scene, and my finger had a heart beat for a couple hours! 

Well Tuesday when I was home visiting my parental units, my loving father reassured me that since it was a dusty picture frame that attacked me, it was likely I was going to get Tetanus which leads to: lock jaw, fever, and then DEATH. Thanks dad for freaking me out and making the wheels in my crazy, anxiety filled brain turn! So the decision was made that I would go to the Inter-mountain InstaCare and receive a Tetanus shot!  So thanks to thanks to the stupid picture frame for attacking me, and making me get a Tetanus shot, that has now made my left arm extremely sore! You're awesome. 

On a lighter note! 
My old bishop who I love and adore, James C. Christensen is an amazing artist.  And for the last couple months has been working on a series of photos relating to Lehi's dream from the Book of Mormon.  Well I was lucky enough to be a model for him! It was really cool to be apart of such an amazing process with such an amazing person.  Well James C. Christensen paired up with Robert L. Millet and they put together a book about Lehi's dream.  It turned out beautifully!!  I went and visited with my him a couple days ago (which is always a delight for me) and he gave and signed a copy of this book! I would suggest everyone get a copy of it, because it is amazing, get it here. Along with giving me a copy of his book he also gave me a copy (not an original) of one of the pictures he painted of me.  

He truly is such a talented artist.  And I am so grateful for him! He was the best bishop a young single adult could ask for! I seriously love that man, and he has made such a big impact on my life! 

Sunday, November 13, 2011


I have a couple confessions to make.

1. I have been really bad a blogging. I'll be better...I PROMISE! 
2. Life is getting a little more exciting! (I'll get back to this)
And finally...
3. I have an obsession with hoodies....specifically "Zine" hoodies.  You can find them here! Well honestly I'm not the only person who has an obsession with these fabulous hoodies.  My co-worker Molly (whom I have been hanging out with a lot) has the same obsession with them as well! And I would be willing to assume that more people than Molly and me have the same amazingly horrible obsession. 

Can I just be honest here....I don't have just one or two of these hoodies.  I have FIVE...yes....FIVE of them(black, purple, turquoise, blue, and now stripes)! What can I say? They are great! They are super comfy, really cute, and they just are great! I wear them all the time! The only problem I have regarding these hoodies, is I can never choose which one I want to wear! Okay...and they are not super cheap ($39.95 or by one get one 1/2 off) so its not financially smart to own five of them really. 

**Side note.  I just took a ten minute break from writing because my family and I are watching "Crazy Stupid Love" which is probably the funniest movie I have ever seen. I NEED to own it! If you haven't seen it, get up, get your keys, get in your car, and rent it, buy it, whatever! Just WATCH IT! You will not regret it!**

So back to the hoodie!  :) So the point of me writing about my seriously crazy obsession, is that I just bought my fifth one on Thursday! And I think it is my favorite so far! Its super cute! 

Geez I'm obsessed. I'm wearing it now!

Well I guess I will get off my soap box about this grand hoodie! 

So my second confession was that life was getting a little more exciting! 

News- I will be moving back home in December! Kind of nervous but exciting! I'm just ready for a change, and think I have filled my quota for "Happy Valley", so I'm heading back to the Salt Lake Valley! 

Other news-I've been going on dates a lot! Which is exciting news, CLEARLY! Its been a while since I've been on multiple dates with someone, so it's exciting that I've been on multiple dates with multiple people.  Now I will be honest, I'm not usually the type to date multiple people.  Well 1-I usually don't have multiple guys in my life that want to take me on dates and spend time with me. So that's new to me! And 2-I usually just like to focus on one guy! But I'm having fun and getting to know some really good guys! There isn't a whole lot more to say about that! The dating situation(s) are still really new, so I will keep you posted!! 

Wednesday, October 12, 2011


It has come to my attention that I have to change the name of my blog...
(Thanks Tony!)

I'm turning 23 next week!!!!! 

My blog can no longer be "Life of a 22 year old single LDS girl"

What shall I do?!

Should I keep it the same just change the age?
"Life of a 23 year old single LDS girl"
I feel like that doesn't sound as cool.
It makes me seem lame.


Also...I don't know how I feel about the number/age 23. 
It just feels lame.  22 and 24 sound cooler to me for some reason.
Oh well!

<3 Loves

Sunday, October 2, 2011

Disneyland, the beach, shopping, and pedicures!

I know...I  know its been a little while since I have updated, my bad, my bad! Life in P-town has just been a little busy and crazy I feel...well actually lets just be honest, all of my free time has gone to trying to catch up on all SEVEN seasons of Grey's Anatomy! Don't judge! I literally have spend 90% of my free time in the last 3 weeks trying to catch up...I have failed.  I am only on season 5 so I have not been watching the most recent episodes. And I will not until I am caught up! SO DON'T SPOIL IT!!!  

This last week my family and I spent the week in beautiful California! 

But before I road tripped down to CA I spend all day Friday with my great friend Amelia! We were roommates when i first moved down to Orem almost 3 YEARS AGO! I can't believe it has been that long since I have lived in "Happy Valley!" Amelia was staying up in Salt Lake and so I met her and her mom up at Temple Square.  It was such a fun day with a lot of fun experiences! 

In the General Relief Society office building, in President Julie B. Beck's office there is a picture hanging up above her desk, that Amelia's sweet sweet down syndrome sister Michaela was a model for.  So Naomi, Amelia's mom wanted to go see it! So no big deal we were escorted up to Sister Beck's office by her assistant.  Sadly Sister Beck wasn't in her office that day but we did go into her office and "hung out" for a bit.  It was really cool to be stand in her office! She is such an influential woman! On one of the walls in her office she has a bunch of pictures of her with different people like Michelle Obama, Condolezza Rice, and many other influential women of the U.S. It was sooo cool! I'm still a little shocked that I was there!

After that we were talking to Sister Beck's assistant, Sister Cook, and we were telling her that Amelia and I are both newly called Relief Society teachers.  She asked if we had received the new R.S. book about the history of R.S.  We said that we hadn't and she could say enough about how we needed to get the book.  As we were talking to a couple other people she had left the room and returned about 5 minutes later with copies of the new R.S. book that had been signed by the general R.S. presidency, with a picture of the presidency in the front!!!! I could not believe she gave us a signed copy! That is something I will cherish forever! 

After talking many a pictures, we decided to head down to the basement to see the new R.S., Young Women, and Primary resource center! We looked around for a bit, chatted with the workers and then decided to head back to the car.  On the way to the elevator, Sister Ann Dibbs (President Monson's daughter)was talking to a group of women!! Even if I didn't know who she was it wouldn't have taken long to figure it out...she looks just like her father! We talked with her for a couple minutes, took a picture with her, and then got on the elevator with her! It was such a cool experience talking to her.  She is such a sweet lady! I will never forget that day! It was so cool! I cannot believe the things that happened! 

Me in Sister Beck's office!

Me, Allie, Amelia
Roommate reunion minus Zandrea. And of course we did some shopping!
We can't get together and not go shopping!

So like I said, this last week my family and I spent the week in California! It was such a fun week! We spend 3 days at Disneyland/California Adventures.  Spend some time at the beach.  Did some shopping, and got pedicures with the girl while the boys went to an air show at the local military base.  It was great to spend lot of time with my family! Ethan and Brynlee were so good this week, minus a few minor meltdowns! But for the most part they did great and were so much fun! I seriously love my family! They may be crazy at times...but they are so much fun! We always have such a great time together!

Dad and Kyle were apparently tired from the 12 hour drive....

The fam at the beach!

Holy cow! Ethan loved the beach! He loved running back and forth into the water! If you can't tell by this picture he is soaked, and covered in sand! Ethan's first time at the beach = success!

Love the specks of sand on his face!

Ethan is getting such a bigger personality! He is so fun!

haha Brynlee is figuring out how to make different face! This is her new one! She gives the worst stink eye!
But even with that can't help but love her!

Me, Chels, and Ethan!
Ethan loves his papa! As we were watching t.v. one night after a long day at Disneyland, I looked over to find Ethan driving his "Mater" and "Lightning McQueen" cars on papa's belly! haha so cute! 

We celebrated Ethan's 3rd birthday while we were in CA....surprise surprise he wanted a "Cars" cake!

While at the play ground by the beach, Ethan found himself a redheaded girlfriend!

Disneyland is so cute during Halloween time!

Since Ethan celebrated his birthday he got to wear a "Happy Birthday" pin while we were there.
Brynlee and I also got to wear pins, because our birthday was within the month!
All of us were wished a Happy Birthday by most of the D-Land workers!

Ethan and I at "Autopia" I let him drive.  BIG MISTAKE!

Oh the Teacups! hahahaha
As tradition goes, Dad, Kyle and I piled into the teacup to try to break a world record.  I thought I was going to die....or puke.  So I kept my eyes closed for most of it.  We were spinning so fast people around us were pointing and talking about us my mom said! We are "legen- wait for it, and I hope you aren't lactose and tolerant, because the next part is-dary" (Legendary!!!!!)

Alice and the Mad Hatter!

Toy Story! BEST. RIDE. EVER.

Toon Town!!

Ethan and Brynlee!

Mickey's Soundsational Parade was awesome!

The Little Mermaid

Snow White, Sleeping Beauty, and Repunzel

Cinderella and Belle



Needless to say, and as you can probably see, we had so much fun in California! We are thinking about making it a yearly thing we do as a family! I would love that! 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Have you forgotten!?

It has been 10 years.  Can you believe it!? It seems like just yesterday that I was in my 7th grade English class when we got news that the towers had collapsed.  I'm sure there are many of you with similar stories.  I just cannot believe it has been 10 years.  As I sat on Facebook wasting precious hours of my day, I saw so many status updates about 9/11 and where they had been, or saying that we will never forget.  I think about 9/11/01 not on a daily basis but definitely frequently, and I hope that is the same with everyone else.  I hope the things that happened on that day are not just things we remember on this specific day.  I hope we are reminded often about how we felt, what we saw, and the people that lost more than we did.  I hope we are grateful every single day for the people in our lives that are fighting day in and day out for our amazing country!  I am especially grateful for my dad and his 31 years serving in the National Guard.  And I cannot believe it, but here in the next little while I will be able to have my amazing brother serving our country as well.    It still doesn't feel real, but it's happening.  I am so grateful for the men and women that fight for our country.  

Now I will step off my patriotic soap box!

This week I got to spend my day off with my mom, sister, niece and nephew! Holy cow do I love them or what? Brynlee, the pour thing had pink eye! But she was still her chipper little self! She is getting so big and really starting to get her personality! I can't wait until she is older and I can doll her up! Sorry Sara! It's inevitable! 

Ethan....Oh Ethan! Can I just say, this little boy has my heart! He is so freaking  hilarious, sweet, and crazy!  He really is starting to get so fun! He is getting old enough that he is understanding things a lot more! And he is getting a little easier to understand as well! It melts my heart every time I see him, because when I enter the room he just lights up!! He gets this huge smile on his face and usually runs up to give me a big hug, grab my face, and give me a big kiss! OH I LOVE HIM! He is such a sweet heart! 

I seriously love these two so much! It is so fun being an aunt! They love me no matter what! We as a family are going to Disneyland in 2 weeks, and I cannot wait! It will be so fun! It will probably be a little crazy, because our family trips always are! But I am so excited! It will be a much needed vacation! 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Attitude of Gratitude.

I know I already posted once already tonight.  But I am so grateful to be home and to have traveled safely from Texas! If you didn't know I had a little bit of car trouble getting home.  On my way from San Antonio to Albuquerque my car started to act kind of funny.  It was staying revved up and was staying between 4 and 5 RPM...which is not good.  Lets been honest we had been driving pretty fast for most of the way and I think that is what caused my car to freak out.  So when we got to El Paso we decided to stop and get some food and as we were pulling out of the parking lot as I was pressing on the gas my car was barely even moving.  I literally was pedal to the floor trying to gun it and my car was seriously barely moving.  So as we pulled in to the parking lot to get food I decided to call my dad and ask for advice.  I was freaking out.  I was in El Paso Texas 4 hours out of Albuquerque and had no idea what to do.  And of course it was Saturday at 4 pm when no car shops are open.

Finally after calling about 5 different places I found a shop that was open.  At this point I had lost it...and my sweet sweet dad just kept telling me "its going to be ok.  take a breath.  everything will be ok" and me being the basket case I am, was thinking the worst.

So I got to the car shop and of course when the mechanic takes it for a drive it acts perfectly normal but he said he could feel it "slipping in and out of gear" which is really bad.  So he tells me that it has to be something with the transmission.  Awesome.  He then proceeds to tell my that my transmission is sealed shut and that only Nissan is licensed to work on my transmission.  So I was freaking out thinking that I would have to spend the weekend in El Paso until Monday morning to get my car worked on, and then figuring I would be having to drop a couple thousand dollars to have it fixed.

Lets just say tears.  Lots of tears.  I literally didn't know what to do.  Aubrey had work Monday morning so I was stressing that she was going to have to leave me alone so she could make it home.  And I didn't know what I was going to do.  But I am so grateful for my parents and the knowledge they have and they faith that they have.  Immediately my mom and dad suggested to say a prayer, and that they were going to see if they could find the number to the nearest bishop to see if there was anything he could do to help or if he knew anyone that could help me out. I honestly would have never thought to do that, but my parents are awesome.  They just kept telling me that everything would be okay and that we just needed to keep saying prayers that everything would be ok.

The entire time I just kept saying silent prayers to myself that everything would be ok and that we would be able to continue driving and that my car would be ok.  So after about a half hour talking to all the mechanics and having them tell me that I should not drive to ABQ and that it was my transmission that was messed up, another mechanic came out and said he wanted to take it for a drive.  He said he had worked with Nissan cars and he knew them well enough to know that if anything was seriously wrong a light would have come on, and no lights had. So we took it for another drive and he said that everything felt and looked fine with the RPM, and so he didn't see any reason that I shouldn't be able to make it to ABQ.  I kept asking "Are you sure?  If I was your daughter would you feel ok with me driving it?" And every time his response was yes.  So I made the decision to continue driving and hope that everything would be alright.  This mechanic gave me his card with his cell phone number on it and told me if anything happened to call him and he would personally come to my rescue.  I am so grateful for him!

Driving to ABQ and then to Salt Lake my car felt completely fine.  I had no problems the rest of the time driving, and I can't doubt that it is because of my Heavenly Father.  I know with out a shadow of a doubt that he had a hand in my life that day and that he was watching over me.  That day more than usual I felt the love of my Heavenly Father and my Savior Jesus Christ.  I know that they are aware of me and that they know me more than I know myself.  I am truly grateful for the testimony I have of this Gospel and the happiness it brings me.  At this point in my life I have a better relationship with my Savior and my Heavenly Father than I ever have.  I think it's because the last couple years I have had so many experiences that I couldn't have gone through alone.  And it's with the help of my Savior that I have been able to over come them.  I can honestly say that my Savior is not only my brother but he is my friend.  And I am truly grateful for Him and the amazing sacrifice that He gave so that I wouldn't have to go through this life alone.  Where would I be today if it wasn't for my Savior Jesus Christ?

I am also so grateful for my parents and their perfect examples to me.  I have been taught that in times of need  the first thing to be done is to get on my knees and pray to my Heavenly Father.  I am so grateful for their love for me and their willingness to help me no matter what.  I am so grateful that the church is always their priority.  And that they have so much faith in this gospel.  They are such great examples to me and I hope that one day I will be that same kind of example to my family.  I am so grateful to have been raised by such faithful parents and raised in such an amazing church.  A church of faith, hope, charity, and love.

I love this gospel and I am so grateful for experiences in my life that strengthen my testimony of the truthfulness of it.  In a relief society lesson about a year ago my great friend and now my amazing roommate Micah said "Nothing in this world makes me feel the way the Gospel makes me feel, I KNOW its true!!!"  Ever since then those words have been engraved into my heart.  And that sums up exactly how I feel!

Nothing in this world makes me feel the way this Gospel makes me feel.
I KNOW it's true!!!!

I'm baaaack!!!

I'm back in Utah, and I couldn't be happier! As you may or may not have read in my last post, I did love Texas and had so much fun this summer, but I am so happy to be back in Utah! Utah is home and lets be honest I do love it here! And being away made me realize that! 

The last week spent in Texas was strange! The whole week I had a hard time comprehending the fact that Aubrey and I were headed back home! And it didn't help that I couldn't really start packing until a couple days before because all I really had to do was put everything in my car.  There wasn't a whole lot of packing to be done.  So my time was spent waiting for the days to pass to I could actually start getting ready to leave. That last week went by really slow but at the same time it flew by!  To be honest it was hard to stay motivated and productive at work.  If I wasn't the best employee my last week I apologize.  But ya know when you put in your two weeks notice and then from that moment on you just have no motivation to do anything because you are leaving....ya that's pretty much how I felt.  Horrible I know, but it was just so hard being at work when I was so excited to come home! But we made it through the last week successfully! 

The girls at work and I decided to go out with a bang at Aubrey and I's favorite restaurant Chuy's.  It is sooooo good! Such good Mexican food. And let's be honest their Tres Leches is to die for, along with their jalapeno ranch.  I could probably drink that stuff it's so good! We had a ton of fun at dinner and didn't stop laughing the entire time! Our waiter probably though we were all crazy! But what do you expect when you get 5 girls together?! I am really glad we got to all go out one final time! Such fun girls and I will miss them tons!

I'm not going to lie the entire summer I had put off getting something for each of my family members and so did literally our last day at Del Sol and our last day in Texas we decided it was probably time to find some fun Texas-y things for our families.  Along the street that we worked on were a bunch of typical souvenir shops which basically all had the same things with minor differences.  The store that I purchased all of my families things was the same place that Aubrey and I took our old fashion photos! They had lots of typical souvenirs and lots of crazy t-shirts like this one! hahaha Honestly this was the first thing that I noticed when I entered the store and I think I laughed for about 5 minutes! So great! Need I say more?

My last day of work was more bitter sweet than I imagined it would be.  I figured I would be so excited to leave and that I wouldn't miss it at all.  Well, do I really miss the working? Not really.  But I cannot deny that I working right in front of the Alamo is probably one of the coolest things ever! I was constantly in awe of the fact that right in front of my store was such a historic place.  So much history behind the Alamo.  And although its a little underwhelming it is still so amazing! Never again will I get such an opportunity, and I am so grateful for that! So on my last day I felt it appropriate to take my one and only picture of myself in front of the Alamo.  Sad to say it really is my only picture of me and the Alamo.  

Like I said earlier the girls I worked with were seriously so fun! Loved them all! We all got along really well and we had a lot of fun while working.  They kept me sane during the super slow hours at Del Sol and kept me calm during the crazy busy hours! But of all of them besides Aubrey this is the girl I will miss the most! My dearest Melissa! She seriously is a crack up! Love her! She is so funny and so fun! We had so much fun together and never stopped laughing! Such a sweet heart and I really wish I could have brought her home with me! Melissa, Aubrey and I had some really good times! 

Love these girls! 
Melissa, Aubrey, and I.