Wednesday, December 7, 2011

DIY T-Shirt Scarf

 It's Wednesday!

If you took my challenge to finish the Book of is it going? I'm not going to lie....I'm struggling!   But don't worry I am still pushing through! This week has been super busy. I officially moved home this week and I have been working, preparing a lesson for Sunday, moving in, unpacking...blah blah blah. So needless to say its been crazy! So I'm a little behind on my scripture reading but I will get back on top!

Well tonight I was feeling a little crafty. I KNOW! Weird right? Well I had been on Pinterest (no surprise there) and I saw a pin for a DIY t-shirt scarf.  I think they are super cool/cute and so I decided I would take a break from my lesson preparing and make myself a scarf! 

Literally I think it took me 10 minutes tops! I picked out a shirt that I haven't worn in a long time and started cutting! So I'll try to talk you through the process so you can try!

First lay your shirt flat on the ground and cut off the bottom hem! After that, start by cutting 1/2-1 inch strips straight across, ending right under the armpits.
 You will have more strips than this ^^ but I was already on to the next step when I decided to take pictures! 
Gather up all the strips together. I gathered them with all the hems together so when I wrapped them, the hem wouldn't be showing. Once you gather them all together pull at them a bit to stretch them out and to make them all about the same length. Leave one strip out prior to stretching so you can use that to wrap them.
 Once all your strips are gathered and stretched. Like so ^^ cut your left out strip in half.  I am struggling with getting my thoughts together for this next step to I borrowed the directions I used from this website.  In fact if my directions are lame or confusing....just use the same website I did, for directions! 
 Here is what mine looked like all gathered and wrapped together!
Finished product!! 
It's not really a "keep warm" kind of scarf, but it's super cute! And really easy to make! 


Jamie said...

Love it Lisa! Lets get together and craft it up!

Victoria Edwards said...

Your so stinking cute! And I miss you!