Sunday, May 15, 2011

The joys of being an aunt!

Thursday was my day off at work! Typically on my day off I call my sister and we do lunch and just hang out! So as usual we took forever to decide where we wanted to eat lunch and after a long deliberation we decided we would head to Fashion Place mall!  Sara ate at Chic-fil-a (which I am obsessed with) I too almost got it, and then Sara said "Well had I known you were going to get Chic-fil-a as well we could have gone somewhere closer!"  So I decided to make the trip worth the drive and I branched out!

I am amazed at how my sister can handle two kids....especially when one is my nephew who is almost 3 and FULL of energy! So to keep the kids happy and entertained we decided to go take my nephew to ride on the little motorized-child-play-vehicles (I don't really know what I could call them).  Haha pretty sure Ethan didn't understand the concept of when you put money in the machine and it starts moving, you STAY in the vehicle and don't climb out.  He just wanted to test them all out really! He got in the "Bob the Builder" tracker and lasted about half the time before he climbed out and went to another car!  Oh was worth a try!
Sara and I wanted to walk around and window shop a little bit, so being the nice mom she is...she purchased one of those stroller things that looks like a car....for Ethan to sit in and pretend to drive while we did our thing.... Needless to say....those things are EMBARASSING! haha I am SOOOOO not ready to be a mom yet...because I still care too much about what people think about me! My sister could tell I was a little embarassed by the situation so she opted to take Ethan while I pushed Brynlee around in a NORMAL stroller!

After enduring the mall with two small children we headed back home and just relaxed a little bit.  My parents just put up their tampoline, so Sara and I entertained our selves by watching Ethan jump on the tramp. While Brynlee, Sara, and I just hung out!
I am so grateful to be an aunt! It is so fun! It is so great to know that they will love me no matter what! They are great kids and I can't wait to have more nieces and nephews! The greatest words an aunt can here is her nephew say "wuv you -sa!" ("Love you Lisa" in the words of a 2 1/2 year old!)

Friday, May 13, 2011

iPHONE 4!!

Yes I joined the club in getting an iPhone 4! Seriously it is the best phone to happen to me! LOVE IT!!!! Its like a mini robot that just knows what I need in my life!

Monday, May 9, 2011

I am an official blogger!

Where do you begin when you start a blog? I am! I have been debating for a couple weeks whether or not to start a blog...and today I got a reason! Many of you may or may not have known that I had applied for a job with Del Sol (a retail company that send you to work in sweet locations). And after weeks....and I mean weeks (5) of waiting I was offered a job today! So for the summer I will be residing in.....wait for it.......
I will be leaving in 2 weeks on May 21st and I will be back August 5th! I am so excited to go and cannot wait to see what adventures are ahead!!!