Monday, May 28, 2012

Huddle Up!

I'm a slacker I know!
But don't worry I have a lot to catch up on but I don't want to bore you, so I will break it up into a couple different posts! 

A couple weeks ago I was lucky enough to be able to go to Orlando for "work".  Every year SportClips has a national convention/conference for management, owners, coaches, etc. and my owner decided to take me! It was such a great opportunity, and I really am grateful to have had the chance to go and learn what I did.

We decided ahead of time that we wanted to have a little fun while we were out there so we went out a couple days early to go to Universal Studios! It was so fun, and although I am not a Harry Potter fanatic, I was super stoked to go to The Wizarding World of Harry Potter! 

I cannot lie, the Harry Potter part was SO SO cool! It was so well done and designed that I truly felt like I had gotten on the Hogwarts Express and headed to Hogwarts! SO COOL!   

This was best view of "Hogwarts" I could get without a billion other tourists in my picture.

Well after we enjoyed a little time to relax and catch up on my tan (pretty sure I got enough sun to last a while).  We had to get down to business.  The first night of "The Huddle", (fitting right?!) we had a vendor show.  It basically was a chance to talk to all the companies we work closely with...and a chance to buy stuff for work.

I bought myself a couple work shirts, and got to admire this beauty! Such a cool motorcycle and it was personalized for SportClips!

"Where it's good to be a guy!"

The next two days we had guest speakers who talked about being better managers and becoming more successful! The last day we had an amazing speaker, Robert Cromeans.  He works for Paul Mitchell, as their artistic director.  He is very eccentric, somewhat odd, but extremely inspiring.  It was really cool for him to speak to us because he is a stylist himself.  He knows about the business and he knows how to be successful (obvioiusly!!).  He came in knowing and had researched about SportClips.  He knew how we ran our business, what our business was all about, and how we work! It was so cool! He made me really proud to be a hairstylist! 

The last night we had a banquet with amazing food!! 
Steak and Chicken! 
There was also an awards ceremony for the stores that had the best #'s, brought in the most clients, made the most money, etc.  Unfortunately our Utah stores haven't reached award status yet...Soooo  EVERYONE TAKE YOUR HUSBANDS, BROTHERS, MALE COUSINS, NEIGHBORS, WHOEVER...TO YOUR NEAREST SPORTCLIPS! You will not regret it...I PROMISE!
We all got dressed up, (some more than would have thought it was prom) and enjoyed a nice night. 

This was our little group by our awesome pool! My owner and I, the owner and manager of the Lindon store, and the manager of the Bountiful store!

You would have thought we planned out our outfits because we all matched. It was cute! 

Unfortunately this rose wasn't from Tony. Our area developer gave all of us roses at the banquet! 

I had a great time in Florida and was excited to get back to work and implement some of the amazing things I learned while at "The Huddle".

Stay tuned....more to come!

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